The cover of Percival Everett's James

James by Percival Everett: book discussion

The prolific and influential American writer Percival Everett has been shortlisted for the 2024 Booker Prize with his novel JamesJames is a rewriting of Mark Twain’s classic The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, with more than one twist in the tale. In this Black History Month discussion, members of the Oxford English Faculty community talk about the many intriguing facets of Everett’s novel, including whether the voice of the character James, Jim in Mark Twain, is convincing, and how the Mississippi River becomes a character in the novel alongside James. The discussion is chaired by Prof. Nicole King.

Read more on the Oxford English Faculty’s website

Cite this: “’James’ by Percival Everett book discussion.” Postcolonial Writers Make Worlds, 2024, Accessed 19 November 2024.